
Dual Screen Design

Patented Dual Screen DesignAs detailed in U.S. patent # 6,000,553, the Screen Machine 107T Scalper and 107D Scalper both feature a unique Dual Screen Design found nowhere else in the industry. The use of dual screen boxes has several benefits.

  • Structurally, the center support beam between the two screen boxes carries the load from the dump point through the frame and to the ground. This beam provides strength at the point of highest stress, the center of the loading area.
  • The short span across each screen box allows the support members to maximize the clearance between the decks without sacrificing strength. This clearance improves productivity due to less clogging between the decks.
  • The center support beam acts as guard during loading. This keeps the bucket or bucket teeth from hitting and damaging the screens when feeding material onto the screening area.



Click here to see how our Patented Dual Screen Design increases durability

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